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What Are Altcoins?

What Are Altcoins

The world of cryptocurrency has expanded vastly, especially with altcoins, since the emergence of the first cryptocurrency over a decade ago. What started as a singular digital asset has blossomed into a diverse economy comprising thousands of alternative coins, or "altcoins."

Join us in this article as we explore the growing altcoin landscape, from the earliest pioneers to the present-day proliferation of options across various blockchain networks.

By examining altcoin features, types, notable examples, and market statistics, you will gain a well-rounded understanding of this burgeoning facet of the crypto ecosystem.

Simply put, an altcoin is any cryptocurrency other than Bitcoin. Originally, people used the term to differentiate alternative cryptocurrencies from Bitcoin, which had emerged as the first and dominant crypto coin in the space.

However, as the market has matured and decentralized, the distinction has become less clear-cut. Altcoins offer innovative takes on core blockchain concepts like decentralization, security, and crypto token utility.

They expand the possibilities of what cryptocurrency can achieve beyond the simple value transfer exemplified by Bitcoin. Let’s continue to learn the basics of altcoins!

What was the first altcoin?

Released in 2011, Litecoin quickly gained popularity as one of the earliest altcoins. It is aimed at serving as "digital silver" to Bitcoin's "digital gold" by facilitating faster transactions and a higher crypto market cap.

Litecoin was the first altcoin to widely test the viability of alternative proof-of-work mechanisms, using crypto mining functionality distinct from Bitcoin's SHA-256. This kickstarted a new era of altcoin experimentation and specialization across the growing blockchain technology ecosystem.

What are the features of altcoins?

While most altcoins are similar to Bitcoin at their core, several features distinguish them as unique blockchain projects.

Here are the features of altcoins:

Consensus algorithm

Most rely on alternative consensus mechanism algorithms like proof-of-stake versus Bitcoin's proof-of-work. Examples include Ethereum 2.0's shift from proof-of-work to proof-of-stake.

Faster transactions

Some aim to process transactions quicker than Bitcoin through technical enhancements to achieve instant settlement.

Specialized utilities

Beyond currency, many altcoins explore decentralized applications, smart contracts, decentralized finance, and more through technologically advanced platforms.

Pre-mine or ICO

Rather than strictly limit supply like Bitcoin, some altcoins allocate a portion of crypto coins to pre-mine or use initial coin offerings to fund network development.

Enhanced features

Additional innovations range from increased anonymity to infinite scalability to e-commerce focus with e-commerce payment solutions.


What are the types of altcoins?

The altcoin universe now spans a vast array of categories, encompassing specialized coins across various use cases.

Here are some of the major types of altcoins:

Privacy coins

Anonymity is the main focus of digital cash.

Platform coins

Programmable blockchains facilitate decentralized apps (dApps) and smart contracts.

Currency coins

Dedicated to peer-to-peer electronic currencies.


Stablecoins are algorithmically or asset-backed coins pegged to real-world assets to reduce volatility, such as EURK stablecoins that are 1:1 pegged to euro currency.

Metaverse coins

Enabling decentralized virtual worlds with gaming tokens, NFTs, and more.

What are examples of altcoins?

There are thousands of altcoins covering every category.

Here are some of the largest and most prominent altcoin examples:

Ethereum (ETH)

The second-largest cryptocurrency and most well-known smart contract platform enables decentralized apps and digital assets.

Litecoin (LTC)

Among the first altcoins, it aimed for faster and cheaper transactions compared to Bitcoin. Currently, it ranks highly by crypto market cap.

Cardano (ADA)

The third-generation proof-of-stake blockchain focuses on scalability and sustainability. Cordano is consistently in the top 10 cryptocurrencies.


BNB is the native coin of major crypto exchange Binance, used to pay fees and provide crypto trading discounts.

Dogecoin (DOGE)

Initially a joke coin that took off in 2021, Dogecoins is becoming some of the most popular digital currencies.


Top stablecoins include the euro stablecoin EURK, issued and audited by Cryptobunq. With the power of stablecoin, EURK offers fast, secure, and easy transactions with multiple reserves.

The top 10 altcoins provide users with diversification across the various blockchain networks available in the cryptocurrency space.

How many altcoins are there?

The number of altcoins has grown exponentially in recent years. There are more than 20,000 cryptocurrencies listed. However, the vast majority of these will fail, as most lack true innovation or use cases.

Interestingly, research found that in 2013, there were only around 50 cryptocurrencies, growing to over 500 by late 2014. By early 2018, over 1,500 altcoins existed, showing the incredible growth in this sector.

While thousands exist, generally only the top 50–100 cryptocurrencies by crypto market cap see significant volume or usage. But new entrants are regularly emerging as blockchain technology develops.

altcoin examples

Is it possible to mine altcoins?

While most major altcoins, like Ethereum, were initially launched through crypto mining, many are transitioning to alternative consensus mechanisms for environmental and decentralization reasons.

However, protocols utilize proof-of-stake, or types of proof-of-stake where coins are allocated based on existing holdings rather than mining power.

Others employ delegated proof-of-stake, where users vote for block producers. The altcoin mining process continues to evolve alongside technological advancements.

Are altcoins a good investment?

As with any emerging sector, altcoin investing carries greater risks than more established assets. However, those who timed the crypto market well stand to generate significant returns.

Platform coins showing real-world use through meaningful decentralized applications and smart contracts like Ethereum have outperformed Bitcoin over longer timeframes. Payment coins facilitating everyday use have appeal from a functional perspective.

For example, stablecoins theoretically offer more stability than fluctuating crypto assets. Overall, diversifying a small percentage of portfolio funds across top altcoin projects offers potentially higher rewards for the risk-tolerant.

The key is thoroughly researching teams, roadmaps, and network fundamentals. And of course, only investing what one can afford to lose in this volatile space.

If you want an expert crypto service provider to launch your crypto portfolio, Cryptobunq is here for you. From exchange APIs to batch payments and tokenization to custody and wallet solutions, you can trust CBQ. You can also benefit from euro stablecoin advantages with CBQ easily through stablecoin EURK.

The bottom line

Altcoins have developed into a complex ecosystem far beyond Bitcoin as the sole cryptocurrency in existence. Specialized blockchain networks now facilitate limitless opportunities across currency, finance, social platforms, and more through advanced blockchain public ledger technologies.

While Bitcoin laid the groundwork, altcoins continue to push innovation and experimentation that drive the emergent crypto-economy forward, especially with stablecoins such as EURK.

With so many options available via secure crypto services providers like Cryptobunq, users can seamlessly integrate and take advantage of the benefits blockchain has to offer across convenience, security, and savings.

As decentralized technologies continue to proliferate globally in the years to come, altcoins will transform industries and financial inclusivity on a scale far greater than initially envisioned over a decade ago. Their future potential remains bright as adoption rises worldwide.

If you want to adapt into the future to explore the full potential that blockchain technology has to offer for your individual and business projects, contact us. Dive into the crypto ecosystem with CBQ today!

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