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How Do Crypto Tokens Work?

How Do Crypto Tokens Work

Cryptocurrencies and crypto tokens have ushered in radical changes to our financial systems, and you may wonder, “How do crypto tokens work?”. In this article, we'll discuss what tokens are, how they work, their types, and explore tokenization in detail.

Crypto tokens are digital assets that exist on a blockchain. Cryptography is employed by blockchains to securely record transactions in digital ledgers that are replicated across networks of computers. Tokens leverage this architecture to represent real-world or in-game assets in the digital realm.

When creating a new token, miners "mine" or issue a certain amount of it onto the blockchain. Users can transfer crypto tokens between each other, similar to cryptocurrencies. However, tokens come in many varieties and serve different purposes than coins. Let’s start to explore thoroughly!

What is a crypto token?

A crypto token is a blockchain-based digital asset that represents something of value. Various industries use crypto tokens in different forms. We can categorize several types of crypto tokens.

Here are the types of crypto tokens:

Security tokens

Security tokens represent an ownership stake in a company or real-world asset.

Utility tokens

Utility tokens provide access to an operational service or network, like computing power.


Stablecoins peg real-world assets like currencies or commodities to minimize volatility. A notable example is EURK stablecoin.

Asset-backed tokens

Asset-backed tokens represent ownership of tangible goods like real estate or fine art. RWA tokenization, real estate tokenization, NFTs, gaming tokens, and more are popular examples of asset-backed tokens.

The key takeaway is that crypto tokens act as software-based proxies for anything an entity deems worthy of representing digitally. Their versatility makes them ideal for a myriad of financial applications.

crypto token market

What is the difference between a coin and a token?

While often used interchangeably, coins and tokens do have clear distinctions. Crypto coins like Bitcoin serve as native currencies for their parent blockchains. As early networks, their primary use case was digital cash.

Crypto tokens rely on the underlying platform's functionality and are built on top of existing blockchains rather than powering their own networks. For example, Ethereum hosts hundreds of tokens, leveraging its smart contract capabilities.

The main differentiation is that coins power internal economies, while tokens tap into existing infrastructure for tailored use cases. Most experts argue that tokens offer greater design flexibility compared to blockchain coins.

Are tokens better than coins?

As the landscape has evolved, each digital asset fills its own niche. While early blockchains pioneered coins, tokens unlocked the full potential of blockchain's programmability. Both coins and tokens now fuel the innovation driving this technology forward.

Crypto coins still hold advantages as foundational currencies, but crypto tokens enabled blockchain interoperability and created opportunities for individuals, organizations, and entire industries to develop new platforms and applications. Overall, they empower unique value propositions for every need.

When used appropriately, tokens extend the scope of cryptocurrencies far beyond cash into limitless creative domains, such as real estate, fine art, and more.

Tokens enable the blockchain to fully realize its transformational power, according to many arguments. The rise of tokens has opened boundaries for what digital assets alone can accomplish.

What is tokenization?

Tokenization refers to the process of issuing digital assets on a blockchain. It involves converting rights to an asset into a blockchain token representing that asset. This could include anything from company shares to bonds, real estate deeds, artwork ownership, and more.

It standardizes formerly analog assets onto shared ledgers using smart contracts. This allows for streamlined management, trading, and tracking of tokenized funds, securities, or assets globally on a 24/7 basis. Important benefits of tokenization include:

  • Fractionalization enables smaller holding sizes
  • Liquidity through secondary market trading
  • Transparency via public transaction histories
  • Programmability via built-in smart contracts

Tokenization transitions assets into digital natives able to capitalize on token blockchain technologies' capabilities. It has become a major frontier in expanding crypto, making it adoptable to traditional finance.

If you need more information about tokenization, you can check “Tokens and tokenization," “Trend in tokenization in 2023," and “Cryptocurrency tokenization.”.

What is a tokenization example?

One notable example of tokenization is tokenized real estate. Through this process, tokenizing physical property deeds as blockchain-based tokens enables fractional ownership of the building.

Real-world operators still maintain day-to-day operations. For instance, a high-rise apartment complex could issue 100 million crypto tokens, each representing a tiny fraction of ownership.

Individuals worldwide could buy particular tokens, taking part in the cash flows from rents and capital appreciation over time. If an owner wanted out, they could list their tokens for resale on an open market. This model enhances liquidity in historically illiquid assets by automating trust and settlement.

Tokenization drives new opportunities for capital raising, wealth management, and financial inclusion globally across myriad industries. It represents the many real-world applications emerging from this powerful technology. You can easily invest in tokenization if you want to join this world.

example of crypto token

What is a tokenization service?

As the token crypto market expands, dedicated platforms have arisen, providing the infrastructure, controls, and compliance required for secure tokenization services. An industry leader in this regard is Cryptobunq.

Cryptobunq is a crypto-friendly digital bank offering various services in crypto and blockchain. As a qualified custodian, Cryptobunq enables organizations to tokenize and issue digital assets using popular blockchains through expert tokenization solutions.

Its enterprise-grade solution handles token creation, management, storage, and distribution, along with auditing and reporting needs. Cryptobunq offers custody and wallets, exchange APIs, checkout and invoicing, batch payments, and many more services.

Using Cryptobunq services allows you to focus on your business while leveraging Cryptobunq's expertise in custody, compliance, and security to launch your tokenized products with ease. Cryptobunq is a one-stop-shop crypto service provider with the power of blockchain.

Choose Cryptobunq for tokenization services

With the ability to tokenize any asset class, tokenization opens vast new financial frontiers. It has become core to advancing trillion-dollar markets in real estate, commodities, and more.

The rise of crypto tokens has catalyzed tremendous changes in our world, and tokenization itself will reshape traditional finance at its core. For organizations seeking a compliant, turnkey solution, Cryptobunq stands at the forefront of providing institutional-grade tokenization services.

Are you ready to embrace this new tokenized landscape? Our team of blockchain professionals simplifies a complex space to help businesses unleash tokenized potential hassle-free.

With Cryptobunq pioneering the way, expect tokenized products to become widely integrated across all industries in the coming years through seamless, blockchain-powered platforms. The innovation is only just beginning.

Cryptobunq makes building for the blockchain accessible to companies of any size. Our pioneering services remove barriers to tokenized participation; contact us today to accelerate your tokenized business vision. You can also check our case studies to make sure you are in good hands!

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