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NFT vs. DeFi: What Are the Differences?

NFT vs. DeFi Main Differences

At their core, NFT and DeFi differ in how they use blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. Join us in this blog as we explore NFT vs. DeFi, their characteristic features, the benefits of investing in each, how NFT benefits the DeFi ecosystem, and more comprehensively.

NFTs represent ownership of unique digital items like art, collectibles, or in-game assets, using blockchain to track ownership. Each NFT is distinct and not interchangeable (non-fungible).

In contrast, DeFi provides financial services like loans, savings, and trading through decentralized applications (dApps) without middlemen. While NFTs focus more on unique digital goods, DeFi aims to recreate traditional financial products on-chain in a trustless manner.

What is a non-fungible token (NFT)?

Non fungible tokens are cryptographically unique digital crypto tokens that exist on a blockchain. Each NFT represents a unique verifiable item, whether digital art, a video clip, an in-game skin, etc. They provide proof of ownership for virtual assets and allow creators to monetize content.

While individual NFTs may trade hands from buyer to buyer on open marketplaces, no two NFTs are the same; each has distinct attributes, giving them value as status symbols in some communities.

Characteristic features of NFTs

  • Exist on public blockchains using crypto wallet addresses.
  • Represent original digital creations, virtual land or avatars in games, and collectibles.
  • Each NFT is one-of-a-kind and non-interchangeable, unlike fungible assets.
  • Ownership is verified on-chain transactions through smart contracts immutably storing metadata.
  • Ability to trace the history of ownership across transactions, providing authenticity.

What is decentralized finance (DeFi)?

DeFi refers to financial applications running on distributed blockchains. Common functions of decentralized finance include lending, borrowing, trading, insurance, and derivatives without reliance on centralized intermediaries.

Powered by peer-to-peer smart contracts, decentralized finance aims to provide transparent financial services to anyone, anywhere, globally.

Characteristic features of DeFi

  • Built on public, open-source blockchains instead of closed legacy systems.
  • Autonomous operation through smart contracts without human intervention.
  • Decentralized protocols allow users globally to access financial services.
  • Traditional financial functions are being commoditized through the use of code.
  • Crypto wallets facilitate borderless transactions.

As mentioned above, while NFT and DeFi both utilize distributed ledger systems, the key difference is that DeFi powers financial applications, whereas NFTs focus on tracking ownership of unique digital assets. Let's now explore the benefits of investing in each sector!

NFT and DeFi

Benefits of investing in DeFi

  • Access to global financial markets beyond geographical limitations.
  • Automated lending and borrowing protocols provide better rates than traditional banking.
  • Potentially higher yields from liquidity pools and yield farming compared to savings accounts.
  • Transparent governance with decisions based on community voting, not executives.
  • Elimination of middlemen lowering costs for consumers and enabling micro-level transactions.

Benefits of investing in NFTs

  • Opportunity to invest in unique digital artists, collectibles, and virtual assets.
  • Potential future upside as NFTs become further integrated into the gaming world and metaverse.
  • NFTs of viral internet memes have proven to be both a store of value and a speculative tool, resulting in high returns.
  • Income streams from reselling NFTs as their value appreciates, like blue-chip artworks.
  • Exposure to emerging blockchain ecosystems before mass adoption through early projects.

The arrival of NFTs in the DeFi ecosystem

While DeFi and NFTs originated independently, there is huge potential at their intersection. DeFi liquidity mining programs have begun incentivizing NFT collectors by providing yields on collections.

Furthermore, NFT projects are adding 'DeFi layers' through features like fractionalization, DAO governance, and revenue sharing. This blends the benefits of DeFi, such as loans and interest-bearing tokens, with the thrill of collecting NFT.

Overall, integrated DeFi and NFT solutions can unlock greater mainstream appeal and use cases for both domains. Therefore, their integration promises future innovations for blockchain technology.

How can NFTs benefit DeFi?

Some ways NFTs can power innovation in DeFi:

  • NFT gaming items or virtual land as collateral for loans or borrowing protocols.
  • Fractionalized ownership allows smaller investors to benefit from rare digital assets.
  • New tokenization models enable NFT artists to fundraise through securities without middlemen. You can check out “security tokens” for more details!
  • Identity management through self-sovereign identity NFTs enhances the privacy and security of DeFi apps. NFTs enhance the privacy and security of DeFi apps.
  • New marketplaces synthesize DeFi and NFT features like staking and yield farming on NFT collections.
  • Decentralized insurance for high-value NFTs against cyber-risks and market volatility protects collectors.

Using NFTs in decentralized finance

Many projects are already pioneering such solutions. For example, Fractional allows trading shares in high-value CryptoPunks and Bored Ape NFTs on decentralized exchanges. The Moma Protocol facilitates group ownership of art-NFTs.

NFTfi loans out game tokens using NFTs as collateral for under-collateralized loans. While risks remain given the early stage, integrated DeFi and NFT protocols present compelling opportunities to advance both ecosystems.

The most prominent use cases of NFTs in DeFi

Some of the top use cases that are gaining traction are:


Play-to-earn NFT games utilizing DeFi features like staking and yield farming while doing quests or battles. Axie Infinity and Splinterlands are among the highest-earning players on GameFi.

Digital art banking

Fractionalizing blue-chip NFTs and opening them for DeFi-style lending, interest-bearing pools.

Metaverse land

Decentraland and virtual world projects are increasingly using the Sandbox map plot NFTs as collateral.

NFT monkey concept

Top DeFi projects leveraging NFTs

Prominent startups building at the DeFi-NFT junction include:

Rarible and Open Sea

Leading NFT marketplaces, Rarible and Open Sea, integrate lending and staking pools, using collections as collateral. Auction nets millions of dollars for rare monkey NFT.

Gods Unchained

A popular blockchain card game, Gods Unchained, offers NFT cards plus liquidity pools for crypto tokens earned by playing.

NFTX and NFTfi

NFT liquidity aggregators NFTX and NFTfi allow lending and borrowing against blue-chip NFTs, empowering mainstream access.


Bringing scarce CryptoPunks and Bored Apes to structured investment products like securities.

Which one is more suitable for you?

While both are promising domains, there are some factors to consider when choosing between NFT vs. DeFi investments.

Here are some of them:

Risk appetite

DeFi blue-chips have more stable income, whereas NFT success depends on collector interest.


DeFi for earnings; NFT for speculation or status. Combine both using emerging hubs, integrating both worlds.


Do research in the NFT space and pick projects aligned with long-term interests, like specific artists or games.

Time horizon

DeFi protocols for holding; volatility is likely in early-stage NFT technology.


Large sums for coveted NFTs; modest amounts are preferable for diversified DeFi strategies.

For most, a balanced approach examining compelling use cases across both domains tailored to individual objectives is ideal for long-term benefit maximization in these uniquely disruptive sectors. With innovations linking the two spaces as well, the future indeed looks promising.

Cryptobunq enables wider usage of NFT products in the DeFi ecosystem through its tokenization, crypto exchange API, node as a service, batch payments, and other crypto service solutions.

As a one-stop-shop crypto service provider, CBQ is here to help guide you in the crypto and blockchain ecosystem. With diverse and secure blockchain solutions, you can rely on CBQ and its expert solutions for your individual and business projects. You can explore our case studies to learn more about CBQ!

The bottom line

Savvy investors can benefit tremendously from the emergent opportunities in both NFT and DeFi, depending on their goals, risk appetite, and conviction in the underlying projects and technologies.

The integration of these two powerful blockchain innovations also points to an even more open and inclusive financial future. Both paths present tremendous potential; it just depends on your preferred style of participation in this new digital economy.

Explore how Cryptobunq maximizes crypto opportunities through expert crypto services. Adapt to the future of blockchain technology and grow your business with innovative and tailored solutions with Cryptobunq. Contact us today and start to explore the future!

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