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How Do Crypto Tokens Gain Value?

How Do Crypto Tokens Gain Value

The cryptocurrency world is growing at an astonishing rate, with new digital assets emerging all the time, such as crypto tokens. While Bitcoin set the standard as the first cryptocurrency, it's the advent of crypto tokens that has truly taken the space to new heights.

In this article, we'll explore what crypto tokens are, why they gain and hold value, and how their rise is disrupting traditional finance. By the end, you'll have a stronger understanding of this important development and how it can create new opportunities. Let’s start!

What is a crypto token?

In its simplest terms, a crypto token represents a digital asset that exists on a blockchain. Tokens can have various uses; some function like currency, while others represent things like shares in a company or access to certain applications.

Unlike earlier cryptocurrencies, tokens are distributed differently. Most crypto tokens are allocated through an "initial coin offering," or ICO, rather than being mined through solving complex algorithms.

During an ICO, developers sell tokens in exchange for other major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum. This provides a way to fund crypto crowdfunding projects while giving early supporters a stake.

If you need more information about tokens and tokenization, make sure to check out “Security Tokens," "NFT," “Asset Tokenization," “Real Estate Tokenization," and “Cryptocurrency Tokenization.”.

What gives value to a token?

For tokens to hold any value, there needs to be a functioning economy or network of users behind them. Unlike crypto coins, which derive value primarily from their scarcity and underlying blockchain, tokens rely more on actual users and real-world utility.

For example, a utility token may grant reduced prices or special privileges within an e-commerce platform. The more users and transactions a token facilitates, the more valuable it becomes.

A good way to think about it is that crypto coins are more like currencies, whereas crypto tokens represent assets, utilities, or memberships in online communities and economies.

Cryptobunq offers tokenization, a crypto exchange API, crypto checkout and invoicing, batch crypto payments, and many more crypto and blockchain solutions for you.

With Cryptobunq integrated solutions, developers can create tokens that power new peer-to-peer economies and give users access to exclusive features, goods, or services. As a one-stop-shop crypto service provider CBQ is here to help you with your various crypto and token projects!

crypto token value

Can tokens hold value on their own?

While tokens gain value from network effects and real-world usage, they still depend on their underlying networks, like Ethereum. If the smart contract system or base layer protocol experiences issues, it could jeopardize tokens built on top.

For this reason, many experts argue that tokens may struggle to hold independent value without broader crypto adoption. After all, these are essentially applications running on other token blockchains.

However, as the crypto sector matures, there are signs this could change. Innovations such as cross-chain bridges now allow crypto tokens to securely interact across blockchains.

This opens up the possibility of tokens one day operating across multiple independent networks, making them less reliant on any single base layer. Only time will tell if tokenized payments, assets, and economies can scale large enough to truly hold value disconnected from their founding protocols.

How are tokens valued?

Market forces of supply and demand mainly determine the prices of tokens, as with all cryptocurrencies.

Analysts, on the other hand, typically look at several key factors for token value:


Tokens that enable real-world use cases through features, services, or access to platforms tend to be valued higher as their utility increases. Observers closely monitor metrics such as daily active users, transaction volume, and network activity.


Fixed or capped total supply tokens may increase in value over time as users, buyers, and burners remove them from circulation. Inflation rates are also a consideration.


The emission schedule, token distribution model, token burning, and other economic aspects outlined in a project's whitepaper can heavily impact a token's potential long-term value.

Market sentiment

As with all cryptocurrencies and assets, overall sector cycles and hype can cause demand and prices to rise significantly during bull markets.

Backing and partnerships

Tokens with major company adoption or asset backing, like stablecoins, may trade with less volatility.

The difference between coin and token is usually not as clear-cut as it may seem. Ultimately, though, most analysts agree that tokens require real-world use and underlying business models and utilities to truly justify their long-term valuations. Let’s explore the differences in detail!

What is the difference between a coin and a token?

In many ways, the lines between crypto coins and tokens can seem blurred. But in general:

  • Crypto coins function as independent digital currencies or stores of value with their own native blockchain. They do not rely on any other network.
  • Using token standards, developers build tokens on existing blockchains. They represent assets or memberships in apps or platforms, and they rely on their base layer for security and transactions.
  • Coins aim to be currencies or money first, while crypto tokens can represent any real-world or digital good through tokenization.
  • Scarcity and decentralization drive the pricing of coins, while tokens require real users and networks for long-term value.
  • Coins have more autonomy, but tokens offer far more flexibility to digitally represent any assets through programming.

Coins represent standalone digital currencies, while tokens depend on base networks but offer increased real-world utility through tokenization. Both will likely continue playing important roles in the crypto space.

value of crypto token

Are tokens better than coins?

When it comes to coins vs. tokens, there is no simple answer to which provides more long-term potential or advantages. Each offers unique value propositions tailored to different objectives:

  • Coins and basic digital stores of value equivalent to gold function well. However, their values are primarily reliant on broad acceptance and holding properties.
  • Token standards enable representing a wide range of new use cases and assets on chains, offering increased flexibility and programmability.
  • Coins place more emphasis on decentralization, while tokens can involve more centralized control and curation of ecosystems in the hands of core teams.
  • Coin pricing is based more on scarcity and crypto mining economics, whereas tokens require real users and adoption in order to provide long-term value.

Ultimately, both coins and tokens will continue to play complementary yet distinct roles in the future of cryptocurrency. Both concepts have exciting long-term potential.

With coins serving as basic digital monies and tokens enabling new tokenized economies, assets, and applications, innovative projects will utilize the best of both worlds going forward.

Where can you buy crypto tokens?

Institutional and retail investors now have many top options for buying crypto tokens:

  • Centralized exchanges support trading most major token projects against fiat currencies or bitcoin.
  • Decentralized exchanges allow swapping between ERC20 tokens without a centralized holding of funds.
  • Crypto wallets with integrated token crypto swap and purchase features allow more direct access from non-custodial apps. Cryptobunq is a custody and wallet service provider that you can trust in this aspect.
  • IEO Launchpads host token sales for new projects based on community votes.
  • Some token founders sell tokens on their own token project websites during funding rounds before wider exchange listings.

No matter the option, always perform thorough research on any token project before buying. Examining tokenomics, team experience, online communities, and real utilities are important due diligence steps in the high-risk crypto sector. With proper selection, tokens show much longer-term upside potential.

Cryptobunq is an expert that you can trust to invest in tokenization and manage your crypto tokens with secure crypto custody and different types of crypto wallet solutions. CBQ is an excellent CaaS and WaaS provider for your crypto and blockchain projects, both individual and business-related!

The bottom line

Cryptocurrencies have emerged as a new paradigm that extends far beyond the early vision of just decentralized digital currencies. By providing unmatched programmability for representing digital and real-world assets, crypto tokens unlock vast new possibilities for blockchain innovation.

While the space remains speculative, with the proliferation of smart contract platforms and stablecoins, the greatest applications of this technology may lie ahead. With proper diligence, crypto tokens present many compelling opportunities for investors.

You can experience the benefits of crypto tokens with security thanks to CBQ tokenization solutions and leverage your business fundamentally. Check out our case studies to see our expertise in the blockchain ecosystem, and contact us today!

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